Share your ideas on how you would like to use a mobile app for LEAN.

Monitor running live algorithms

mirthe 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Show a list of running live algorithms. Open details to show the following details for a live session:

  • Profit & Loss
  • Trades
  • Log output
  • Statistics

Push notifications for live algorithms

mirthe 6 years ago 0
Receive push notifications sent by live algorithms on your device. Notifications can be coded in your algorithm.

Android Phone Support

mirthe 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1
This app should be developed for Android mobile phones.

Controlling Algorithms in QuantConnect's Cloud by Mobile

Jared Broad 6 years ago updated by mirthe 6 years ago 1

Start, Stop, Liquidate, Redeploy from a Mobile Interface.


IOS Phone Support

mirthe 6 years ago 0

This app should be developed for IOS mobile phones.


Latest symbol prices

mirthe 6 years ago 0

Allows the user to maintain a list of symbols. Show the latest prices for the defined symbols.